Shaw-O'Reilly Property


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In August of 2002, Susan White O'Reilly and Mary Corinne White Shaw gave 80 acres of land in Kemper County to the MSU Foundation. Their grandfather, Raleigh Jack Wilson, was a physician who made house calls throughout rural Kemper County and northern Lauderdale County. He was also a landowner who respected nature and believed in the protection of natural resources and the preservation of life. Susan White O'Reilly and Mary Corinne White Shaw do not know how Raleigh jack Wilson acquired the "duck pond" as the family labeled the property, but when their grandmother died the land passed down to their mother and then to them. Trying to be good stewards of their inheritance, they donated the tract to MSU hoping that it could be used for environmental studies.

Currently the tract is used for research and hunting lease revenue.